Language Training

Studio Moretto Group meets the training needs of its clients by developing customised educational programmes. The courses can be for small groups or individuals. Individual lessons are particularly suited to specialist or conversation courses. Those with a tight schedule, SMG also offers teleconference classes, thus eliminating the need for transfer and travel.

Beginner courses

Basic approach to the language in order to be able to cope with simple, everyday situations, such as how to
introduce yourself, ask for and give information or write simple personal letters.

Intermediate courses

Beginner course skills with additional and more complex aspects of style and grammar. Vocabulary of around 4000-5000 words.

Advanced courses

Full command of the language, with the ability to deal with complex social situations. For example, the client can express himself with ease and confidence, handle issues of varying nature and intensity, read any type of work and write complex texts.

Sector-specific Courses

Programmes specifically designed for businesses and professionals interested in learning the terminology and
structure of the languages of specific sectors. Depending on the client’s requirements, SMG can provide detailed handouts and glossaries, even on CD or MP3.

Some our clients

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