Translation services for e-commerce and retail; selling abroad and online has never been easier!

Expand your business abroad by conquering new markets with Studio Moretto Group: we help you by localising your e-commerce sites in a foreign language and translating all advertising and marketing material for local retail outlets.

There are many advantages: by choosing to expand your business by selling your products to an audience that speaks a different language but has similar culture, traditions, customs and habits to those of your own country, you will have immediate access to a new audience with characteristics similar to those of your current local target. This will enable you to reach new customers simply by breaking down the language barrier that divides you and without having to implement numerous marketing or product adaptations to meet their needs.

What if your chosen audience instead has different characteristics from those of your existing customers? Never fear! SMG again has the solution: discover our localisation and cultural adaptation services to take your business anywhere in the world!

Translations for e-commerce

Put your trust in SMG’s expert native translators to translate your e-commerce into over 160 languages. Thanks to 30 years of experience in various sectors, we can provide you with the best translators with direct experience in your field, for a complete and terminologically accurate translation of your e-commerce.

We translate and adapt all areas of your e-commerce website into foreign languages, from the homepage to customer service and support, including all the descriptions and features of each product on sale.
In addition, we employ professional glossaries and CAT tools to create extensive translation memories, which reducing the time and costs of subsequent translations by retrieving repetitions and similar texts, which are then discounted in the new service.

Our SEO translations help you to index your website by optimising content with keywords for search engines.

Translation services for retail

If you are looking for a way to increase your sales, one viable solution could be to open up to a new market by starting to sell products and services through physical stores abroad or by creating and localising online shops in other languages.

At Studio Moretto Group, we produce quality translations of the commercial and advertising material for your physical and online stores. We translate websites, brochures, flyers, leaflets and catalogues, in-store signage and ad boards, internal procedure manuals, product labels, documents and contracts.

With SMG, you receive an all-round service for the translation of all material required to open and operate a retail business abroad. If you want to add value to your brand and expand your business abroad, our translation services for retail are just what you need!

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