Translations for the automotive industry

We provide technical translations for the Motor sector of the Automotive industry, assisting Italian, German, Indian and Chinese automobiles and spare parts manufacturers, with the writing of:

  • manuals for cars and accessories;
  • contracts for the opening of production plants in China and India;
  • multilingual instruction booklets;
  • manuals of procedures and regulations for production facilities;
  • test reports;
  • quality certification documents;
  • tender documents in English, Chinese, German, French and many other languages.

We regularly provide mechanics and electronics translations that meet the UNI 15.038  and ISO 17.100 standard for suppliers of the automotive supply chain.

Our foreign language interpreting services for the automotive industry provide valuable linguistic support for product presentations, conferences, trade negotiations, business conventions, union negotiations, mergers and acquisitions, legal and contractual negotiations, visits to plants, Board of Directors, shareholders’ meetings and video conferencing with other countries.

Some of our satisfied clients:

Automotive Terminology: our glossary

Our Automotive Glossary, which is available upon request, includes specific terminology concerning both mechanical parts of motor vehicles (such as framework, gearboxes, installations and engine components) and technical terms used for writing vehicle registration certificates, technical specifications, industry regulations and manuals.

SMG provides translations in multiple languages for its clients involved in internationalisation projects. For further information or to request a quote, you can fill in the appropriate form on this page or directly contact one of our offices.

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