Are you seeking language assistance to engage with international markets? Take advantage of the ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 language solutions offered by Studio Moretto Group and its subsidiaries (SMG).

We co-ordinate a global team of over 800 industry professionals, including translators, interpreters, graphic designers, IT-specialists and consultants. With our experience and tried-and-tested work procedures, we ensure that your text is translated and communicated effectively in over 160 languages. If you are in need of a certified turnkey solution, we are here to help! Quality and reliability are the cornerstones of our business.

“Quality is not promised, it is demonstrated by our everyday work”.
This is our philosophy, our commitment to excellence has been the driving force behind the growth of Studio Moretto Group. Welcome!

Our strenghts: the basis of our high-quality language services

Offices worldwide

With established offices and a dedicated team of skilled and motivated professionals, we have an in-depth understanding of the local context in which you are seeking to operate.

Industry experts

Linguists and industry experts work as a team to provide technically accurate and linguistically precise services.

Research and technology

SMG has established the Language Research Institute, author of the Terminology Research Protocol, Industry-specific glossaries and research on the application of technologies to language processes, making our company a pioneer in the efficiency of translation processes. Have you read our blog? On this website, you will find a blog with articles on foreign language communication: don’t miss it!

Client focus

Are you looking for professional assistance for a turnkey service? Here is how our project managers can help you:
• They provide advice tailored to your needs.
• They organise customised services.
• They are always on-hand; with offices based in several time zones, we guarantee 24-hour support

Data security

Classified information management systems
• Redundant data backup.
• Disaster recovery procedures.

How we provide linguistic and translation services in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 standards

As your in-house translators!

Our translators possess industry-specific experience and familiarity with our clients’ operations, enabling them to function seamlessly as internal resources. Each text is then subjected to stringent quality assurance checks and all information is stored to ensure the constant improvement of services.

Management of processes and people

We have developed systems and processes which have been adopted across all our international offices in order to improve our teamwork. With our multinational presence, we can support you 24/7, managing your tasks even during nighttime hours, and ensuring a consistently available team of permanent and well-trained professionals.

Social consciousness

SMG’s commitment to social consciousness is the cornerstone of our service performance, ensuring above all that our employees receive equal treatment across all countries.

QA Certificates

We have been awarded three international quality certifications, validating the working procedures across all our companies. This attests to our ability to engage effectively with clients of various sizes, offering prompt, transparent and critically assessed answers and solutions.


The ISO 17100 certification attests to the quality of our linguistic and translation services: SMG was one of the first companies worldwide to pass the rigorous quality standards.
In 2006, SMG obtained certification of compliance with the UNI 10574 standards: “Definition of services and activities by translation and interpreting companies”.
In 2008, our commitment to producing high-quality translation services was rewarded with the certification of compliance with the UNI 15038 standard: “Translation services”.
Studio Moretto Group is ISO 9001 certified by URS Italia, a company accredited by the prestigious, internationally renowned European accreditation body UKAS.
In 2024, Studio Moretto Group also obtained the prestigious ISO 27001:2022 certification, which attests to compliance with the requirements for the management of an ‘information security, cybersecurity and data protection’ system.

Quality assurance system ISO 9001 and ISO 17100

Quality monitoring

The SMG Quality Control System is UNI EN ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified.

SMG monitors and controls quality through the following measures:
Verification and validation of the services.
Client Satisfaction Surveys
Key Performance Indicators (KPI).
Internal audits and audits by independent entities.

SMG manages projects via the SMGDesk platform, which allows all operational and organisational information to be monitored and shared with the client, ensuring the prompt identification of non-conformities and the implementation of corrective actions for resolution and prevention.

Service quality control

SMG maintains service quality through translator correction, reviser and project manager (PM) verification, and validation. These processes are additionally reinforced by advanced computational language systems for enhanced precision.

Customer Satisfaction

SMG constantly assesses the client’s level of satisfaction with the services provided. The client may file complaints and carry out evaluations by choosing the preferred method from the following:

  • Using the relevant forms on the SMGDesk platform;
  • Filling in the client satisfaction monthly questionnaire, which SMG sends via e-mail;
  • Contacting the PM via telephone or email;
  • Requesting a meeting with the PM.

On a daily basis, the project management director monitors the client’s satisfaction level, reported by both the PMs and the client directly. The project management director supervises PMs, engages in dialogue with the client to assess their level of satisfaction, and works towards service improvements. They handle any corrective actions and improvement plans, which may include the reorganisation of resources and processes.
The project management director will be at the client’s disposal every day and will propose quality improvement meetings at least once every two months.

Key Performance Indicators: KPIs

SMGDesk monitors activity conformity through monthly self-inspection of its data, submitting a report to the SMG Management using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), including:

  • Quantity of text translated compared to quoted figures, categorised by language, user nationality, intended use and level of urgency.
  • Any late delivery of service.
  • Lack of qualified personnel: the system alerts when the skill level of available personnel does not meet the client’s expectations.
  • Absence of personnel due to holiday or sick leave.
  • Level of satisfaction indicated by the client and client end-users.
  • Complaints by the client and by client end-users


To ensure the compliance of its departments and suppliers, SMG:

  • Receives an annual audit from the URS Italia certification institute, certifying compliance with the standards of Independent Auditor accredited by UKAS, a leading and internationally recognised European accreditation body;
  • Conducts monthly audits across all company functions;
  • Welcomes and considers client-initiated audits.

Analysis reports, coordination meetings and Improvement Plans

The client can request activity reports from the PM, or generate them independently on the SMGDesk platform.
As an example, the report may contain the following information, with reference to the period indicated by the client.

  • Statistics on the quantity and cost of services ordered, categorised by type, language, time of request, urgency, commissioning office and any other criteria to be included by the client.
  • Details of each job: translator’s name, applicant office, language, subject, date and text length.
  • Personal data sheets of the translators used.
  • Level of quality expressed by the client and by the audits.
  • Access to completed translations and the glossary.

The client can request the following analyses and improvement actions from the PM, or view them on SMGDesk. These actions may entail, as an example, an increase in personnel, training, fulfilment of legislative requirements and the development of systems, technologies and procedures. The client can use SMG’s analyses to assess the requirements of their end users and request adjustments to the service and language options.

  • At the end of each month, SMG provides the client with the monitored data and the improvement actions for the following month, presented in a Monthly Improvement Plan.
  • Each December, SMG submits the data monitored throughout the year and the improvement actions for the following year, presented in an Annual Improvement Plan.
  • Prior to each service provided, and every December, SMG carries out a forecast analysis of the linguistic demands and socio-demographic context of the intended audience This analysis incorporates official statistics and client-provided data to improve the service in relation to the following points:
    – Languages requested, frequency and volume of requests.
    – Communication requirements of the end users of the service.
    – Health and safety protection for workers.
    – Systems and technologies needed for the service.
  • Coordination meetings between SMG and the Client. The project management director will be at the client’s disposal every day and will propose quality improvement meetings at least once every two months. These meetings aim to assess service performance, identify solutions to any issues, and provide an opportunity to present SMG’s statistical reports to the client.

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