Studio Moretto Group is continuing its rise in event organisation on the occasion of the « A scuola di OpenCoesione » meeting, targeted towards Italian secondary school students and teachers with the aim of raising people’s awareness, especially the younger generation, on the use of public funds in the territory and to test their effectiveness in using computer tools and attending in-depth meetings.
On this occasion, SMG provided a range of services dedicated to the event, contributing to the day’s success.
We were kept particularly busy with the catering, preparing buffets of finger food, pastries etc. for 100 people. We also laid the tables, arranging tablecloths and cutlery to suit the customer’s needs.
Aside from graphics and printing, we were responsible for creating aluminium and velvet award plaques to present to young participants after having presented the results of the project at the meeting. In terms of promotional merchandise, we provided 1,500 flags for bunting, printed with the flags of the European Union countries, and 100 ballpoint pens with logos made from biodegradable corn starch. As an educational tool, we designed a puzzle of a map of the European Union countries represented by their national symbols and with a list of member countries and their capitals.
To facilitate communication between the different stakeholders and the public, we provided a simultaneous interpreting service available in Italian/English along with the relevant technical assistance.
Logistics wise, we took care of participant transfers by organising their travel in large tourist coaches.
Finally, we provided participants with tickets for the Milan Expo 2015, at a reduced rate.