16 Feb

Am I translating well if I translate a lot…

Practice makes perfect; this is particularly true of translation. The attainment of an academic qualification in translation does not instantly

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16 Feb

Tourism translations with flair

This week one of our English translators offers some advice about translating for the tourism sector. The first translations assigned

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16 Feb

Is being a native speaker enough?

Professional translators should translate from one or more foreign languages into their native tongue: this is a point on which

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16 Feb


Although English is the official language of the British Isles, minority languages dating back hundreds of years are still spoken

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16 Feb

The pitfalls of the Italian language: “monolingual” & Co

You often hear of a “dizionario monolingue” (monolingual dictionary), a “dizionario bilingue” (bilingual dictionary), or of “traduzione multilingue” (multilingual translation)

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16 Feb

Great British Dialects

Although Britain is a small country, it has many regional dialects and different accents. Foreign visitors arriving in the port

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16 Feb

About British complaints…

We all know that British people like to complain, and recent months have seen a rise in online blogs, communities

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16 Feb

Why learn a dead language?

Last week we discussed minority languages in the UK and their revival. But what happens when languages disappear all together?

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16 Feb

Terminological Research for Financial Statements

Studio Moretto Group is proud to announce the completion of terminological research and update of its multilingual glossaries for translating

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16 Feb

How to proofread translations

  Ensuring a quality translation requires more than extensive terminological research and grammatical accuracy. Translations should be proofread before they

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