16 Feb

About British complaints…

We all know that British people like to complain, and recent months have seen a rise in online blogs, communities

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16 Feb

Which English do you speak?

American English and British English and the significance of their differences is often the subject of debate, whether in language

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16 Feb

Proverbs and idiomatic expressions

Translating is transposing a concept, a message, a symbolic idea into another language. It is therefore important to be aware

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16 Feb

Tourism translations with flair

This week one of our English translators offers some advice about translating for the tourism sector. The first translations assigned

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16 Feb


Although English is the official language of the British Isles, minority languages dating back hundreds of years are still spoken

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16 Feb

Great British Dialects

Although Britain is a small country, it has many regional dialects and different accents. Foreign visitors arriving in the port

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16 Feb

Understanding Linguistics: Follow the bagel (Pt. 06/12)

  I will never forget the first time I had to teach an English as a second language class to

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16 Feb

Does the whole world speak English, or do we speak the language of the world?

 On more than one occasion now I have been asked the question, “Why are you learning languages when the whole

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