Legal translations service

Valuable support for the legal world

Since 1996, we have been providing legal translation services for public authorities, law firms and private companies.

Translations are produced in more than 80 languages by our specialist native speaker translators. The service is certified to the UNI EN 15.038 and ISO 17.100 standards: a professional solution for the translation of legal texts in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and many other languages.

We have worked for authorities including the French Ministry of Justice, the French Court of Cassation, the Spanish Ministry of Justice, the Italian Superior Council of Magistracy and the Italian Public Prosecutor’s Office.


If requested by the client, our legal translation services can include:

  • Internal certification

Certification of translation consistency and content alignment according to our internal certification system, which uses operating procedures in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 (quality certification of work processes) and UNI EN ISO 15038 and ISO 17100 (quality certification of document translation processes) and ISO 27001:2022 (which attests to compliance with the requirements for the management of an “information security, cybersecurity and data protection” system).

  • Asseveration and legalisation

These indicate, respectively, the sworn declaration of the authenticity of a translation by the translator before a court clerk or official and (if necessary) the validation of the authenticity of the document and the signature placed on it by the official. For further information, please consult the page on the asseveration and legalisation of documents on our website.

Below you will find our main areas of specialisation in the field of juridical translation:

  • International Law
  • Contract Law
  • Maritime Law
  • Tax law
  • Property Law
  • Insurance Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Corporate Law
  • Commercial Law

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